Quality, functionality and high quality are in the first place.
At PSSST Bettenhaus Freiburg, you will only find brands that we are convinced of – and so are our customers. Our assortment includes small, specialized manufactures as well as renowned manufacturers. We have also combined many of the advantages of well-known manufacturers in our popular own brand “PSSST dream edition”, with which we can offer high-quality solutions at particularly attractive prices.
Just take a look around our brand world and find out more about the manufacturers we offer.
If you have any questions about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.
AUPING – the sleep system with the best ventilation.
For over 130 years Auping has been working on solutions in the field of sleep and relaxation. We are convinced that a rested world is a more beautiful world. That’s why Auping is committed every day to the ultimate sleep comfort of tomorrow. We work with passion and inquisitiveness on products and services that enable our customers to live a relaxed life full of energy. Sustainability, design and innovation are at the heart of this.
Auping believes that people can recover better and perform better through quality sleep and rest. Sleep allows the body and mind to regain energy.
This allows people to learn better, get fit, recover and grow. As early as 1888, Johannes Auping knew how to exploit the natural regenerative capacity: He had a bed in mind that would make sleep healthier and more comfortable, and invented the open spiral underspring, thanks to which hospital patients recovered faster. Later, mattresses and box spring beds followed. In 1988, exactly a century later, the successful history of the company was bestowed with the title “Koninklijk” (Royal).
Auping is a premium brand, production and trading company that has become the most renowned bed and mattress specialist and market leader in the Benelux. It has several sales offices in Europe and distributes its products in many parts of the world. Today, just as in 1888, Auping considers sleep to be the natural source of regeneration par excellence. Auping always takes the consumer’s individual characteristics and preferences as its starting point: There is a suitable solution for every body type and every sleeping position. Auping is tailor-made and craftsmanship.
Auping deliberately chooses to manufacture in Deventer, the Netherlands. There, expertise and competence are combined with the latest developments in technology, ergonomics and design.
ergonomics and design. Auping strives for healthy growth and has a green DNA. The company therefore makes extensive investments in the area of sustainability with the ambitious goal of setting up all operating processes, products and services according to the principle of the circular economy (cradle-to-cradle – C2C).
COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894 – the best from a German manufactory
COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894 stands for products that have been manufactured 100% in Germany for more than 120 years directly at the company’s headquarters near Coburg – at competitive prices and an unsurpassed quality of workmanship.
When it comes to the individual design of bedrooms, COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894 presents a particularly wide range of design possibilities and options for the bed frames and the varied wardrobe programs.
To this day – with the support of the latest technology in today’s manufacturing methods – the majority of all work on our furniture is still carried out by human hands. At COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894 there are no anonymous assembly line products, but only individual masterpieces, which uphold the old craftsmanship tradition with great expertise and attention to detail.
COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894 has always lived sustainability. Not only are only woods from sustainable forestry processed. In accordance with the company philosophy of COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894, the idea of sustainability also applies to production in a social sense, namely with regard to the preservation of jobs in the company’s own country. All products made of solid wood are produced 100% in Germany. Every buyer of products from COBURGER WERKSTÄTTEN 1894 also actively contributes to sustainability himself, because all products have a long life span as high quality products and therefore the burden on the environment and natural resources as well as possible expenses for future new furniture are taken into account to a high degree.
DICO MÖBEL – Designer beds made of high quality materials.
For over fifty years our company name has stood for quality in the furniture market. DICO Möbel GmbH was founded in 1962 as a family business in the Netherlands and is today one of the leading suppliers of beds made of solid wood, metal and textile in Europe. Our product portfolio includes the full bedroom assortment and home furnishings. We manufacture exclusively in European production plants managed by us and supply more than 2,000 furniture retailers in the process. Our customers are property furnishers, online retailers, bed stores, furniture stores and furniture store chains in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which we supply directly via our own or partner forwarders. Today, Dico Möbel GmbH has its headquarters in Delmenhorst.
You should be able to enjoy our furniture for a long time. Therefore, we pay attention to the highest quality in the selection of materials. A product bearing the DICO name must meet particularly high quality standards. That is why we have careful planning and control interfaces for every step from the development of a product to the final assembly at the customer’s site. Our goal is that you will be satisfied with our products for a long time and that you will always have fond memories of them and of our company.
EAGLE PRODUCTS – Textile Manufacture since 1893
Eagle Products has been in existence since 1893. Since the early days, when the products were still called “Adler Fabrikate”, the company has been engaged in processing the finest natural fibers such as lambswool, mohair, cashmere and silk. Then as now, quality control and customers place the highest demands on the scarves, shawls, blankets and plaids that come out of the manufactory in Hof. There are now 2 main collection lines: Eagle Products Accessories and the Eagle Home Collection. They stand for classic as well as design-oriented accessories for fashion & home: scarves, shawls, caps, capes, plaids, pillows, blankets. And the little ones are considered: in the Eagle Mini Collection only soft cuddly wool is used, which does not scratch, warms beautifully and is hand-washable. Only the finest, tested and renewable materials are processed in the more than 100-year-old traditional German company in domestic production. This creates favorite pieces that are beautiful for longer than a single season.
Mit der Kreation und Herstellung hochwertiger Bettwäsche ist es der elegante bed-linen fashion GmbH gelungen, sich seit 1971 auf dem Markt für Heimtextilien zu behaupten und heute als Trendsetter für Bettwäschemode in Deutschland zu gelten. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis liegt in der Unternehmensphilosophie: elegante setzt im eigenen Studio Ideen zu Dessinunikaten um und koordiniert diese zu dekorativen Trendthemen. Die in Deutschland veredelten exklusiven Web- und Druckqualitäten werden u.a. im Bielefelder Betrieb konfektioniert. Der Dreiklang von hochwertigen Bettwäschegeweben, Atelierkonfektion und modischen Ideen garantiert hohes Qualitätsniveau und bestes Schlafgefühl.
Ende der 60er Jahre vollzog sich ein bedeutsamer Wandel in der Optik von Bettwäsche. Die lange Zeit prägende, klassische weiße Aussteuerware wandelte sich zum Modeprodukt. Mit dem Anspruch, stilvolle Bettwäsche im Premium-Bereich zu entwerfen und herzustellen, gründeten Lutz Rehlaender und Dietrich Peperkorn 1971 das Unternehmen Elegante. Die Handschrift edler, dem jeweiligen Dessin angepassten Garnierungsart gab den elegante-Kollektionen bald eine individuelle Note.
Mit einer kleinen Belegschaft von fünfzehn Mitarbeitern und einer Betriebsfläche von 700 Quadratmetern legte elegante den Grundstein für das aufstrebende Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Heute beschäftigt elegante 75 Mitarbeiter und wird mittlerweile in 2. Generation von Signe Peperkorn und Axel Rehlaender geführt. Im Betrieb im ostwestfälischen Bielefeld gehen auf der mittlerweile 6.000 Quadratmeter großen Betriebsfläche feinstes Konfektionshandwerk und moderne Maschinenfabrikation Hand in Hand gehen.
Zu den wesentlichen Stärken aller elegante-Kollektionen zählen künstlerische und innovative Dessins, in ihrer modischen Aussage maßgeschneidert für die Zielgruppe der ebenso anspruchsvollen wie geschmackssicheren und gut situierten Verbraucher. Kreiert werden die Entwürfe im hauseigenen Atelier. Außerdem garantiert die Konfektion passgenaue Bettwäschegrößen mit schmückenden Varianten wie Hohlsaum, Stickkordel oder Keder.
Bei der Herstellung der Bettwäsche in in- und ausländischen Produktionsbetrieben wird auf höchste Qualität der eingesetzten Materialien geachtet. elegante verarbeitet im Schwerpunkt feinste Rohgewebe in Satin, Jacquards und Jerseys aus gekämmter Baumwolle, veredelt nach Öko-Tex-Standard 100. Die Bündelung von QualitätsKnow-how bei der Rohware, der Konfektion bis hin zur umweltschonenden Inlands-Textil-Veredlung begründet den guten Ruf von elegante – made in Germany.
The lifestyle brand ESSENZA stands for inspiration, fashion, home styling, creativity and expressiveness. The latest trends and impulses flow into the ESSENZA collections and are inimitably staged.
In our extensive Home & Living collections you will find an eclectic mix of designs, trends and colors, and thus everything you need to transform your home into an elegant and individual work of art.
For over 30 years, we have been designing expressive home & living collections for a stylish interior with a unique touch. From our studio near Utrecht, we have spread our wings and conquered the world. You can now find us in almost 40 countries.
Buy less but better. Our answer to today’s fast-paced world is high-quality, sustainable products. We design and manufacture our collections with love, care and attention for people and the environment.
fleuresse stands for fashionable, creative brand bed linen of the highest quality. What a team of very different designers creates in our studio is something to be proud of: With several collections every year, we are always very close to the European home and furnishing trends. And every now and then we even set the trend. Added to this is our textile expertise. Selected textile raw materials, brilliant printing inks, high-quality and gentle manufacturing processes, stable branded zippers, certification according to OEKO-TEX Standard 100: It is these details that make bed linen from fleuresse something special. Properly cared for, our bed linen will last for years – and it will stay beautiful for years, too.
Bed linen from fleuresse is bed linen for sleepyheads.
We supply fashionable bed linen in all sizes. You will find many things in our collections: floral patterns as well as graphic designs, plus unusual combinations and bed linen inspired by modern art. Also the standards in plain are part of our repertoire.
fleuresse offers you the diversity of modern bed linen culture. But despite all the diversity, one principle always applies: we make bed linen with style for people with style.
Sie suchen ein Bettlaken, dass perfekt auf Ihre Matratze passt, auf dem Sie gerne liegen und das auch noch nach langer Zeit gut aussieht?
Sie suchen einen Schonbezug, dessen Ränder sich nicht unter dem Spannbettlaken abzeichnen, der keine Wellen schlägt und nicht nur Ihre Matratze schützt sondern auch für ein angenehmes Schlafklima sorgt?
Formesse ist bekannt für außergewöhnlich wertige und langlebige Spannbettlaken. Aber auch für hochwertige Schon- & Kissenbezüge und natürlich unsere einzigartige Sommerdecke.
Als Familienbetrieb in der 3. Generation produzieren wir in Deutschland- mit dem Know-How für feinste Qualität und beste Passform. Entdecken Sie die schönsten Basics für den erholsamen Schlaf und erleben Sie den Unterschied.
In 1951, the Hasenfratz brothers laid the foundation stone for today’s Hasena AG, which is one of the largest bed system manufacturers in Europe far beyond its Swiss homeland. Each collection program of Hasena offers almost infinite combination possibilities and stands for the highest level of quality, innovation, perfection in craftsmanship as well as attractive price/performance ratio.
With a selection of nearly 20 individual collection programs, which offer in themselves modular a maximum of combination possibilities in proven, solid construction, no wishes remain open for Hasena customers. In addition to an extensive bed collection, Hasena Boxspring beds are available in 41 different fabric and faux leather covers and over 10 solid wood finishes with a huge selection of legs, boxes, mattresses, toppers, headboards and ancillary furniture. An outstanding feature of Hasena is an extensive range of occasional furniture attached to all collection programs, including bedside tables, chests of drawers and purist desks, as well as lamp sets.
Hasena wood products are ecological and sustainable and bear the FSC® label for globally sustainable forest management.
The high-quality bed linen collection by JOOP! LIVING impresses with a silky feel, brilliant colors and excellent workmanship. The design label presents trendy colors and patterns in its current assortment, but also restages well-known designs in a stylish new way. The quality bed linen is available in numerous product sizes, as well as custom-made.
Matching fitted sheets complete the JOOP! look for the bed. Together with the license partner elegante, successful on the market for over 40 years, special bed linen – sets “Made in Germany“.
KNEER – because experience convinces
For several generations, Wäschefabrik Kneer has been the competent German manufacturer of fitted sheets. Under the motto “Culture of Night”, we offer high-quality fitted sheets, pillowcases, mattress protectors and pique quilts. For many years, Kneer fitted sheets have been a trademark for the highest quality, perfect fit and wide range of colors.
Of course, all Kneer products have been awarded the ÖKO-TEX Standard 100 test seal.
Lattoflex – restful sleep for more than 6 decades
As a true family business of the Thomas family of entrepreneurs in the third generation, more than 170 employees have been developing and producing Lattoflex products in Bremervörde for more than six decades. Lattoflex manufactures according to the latest scientific findings and incorporates its own research results as well as the product experience of satisfied customers from all over the world. From the world’s first slatted frame to its revolutionary winged slat base, Lattoflex has redefined healthy sleeping from the very beginning. Today, aircraft manufacturers as well as automotive suppliers rely on the know-how of the Thomas Group.
The well-known Lattoflex suspension adapts optimally to the sleeper, point by point, within the wing suspension – until a kind of “floating state” is achieved for maximum healthy and restful sleep.
m&h is a family business located in Coburg in Upper Franconia in the field of furniture wholesale and here with a focus on the production of complete bedrooms. We are exclusively focused on natural wood furniture with a large variety of models. The extensive selection of beds, wardrobes and chests of drawers made of solid natural wood has a modern design, is of very good quality in the material and is offered at prices in line with the market.
Marc O’Polo
Skandinavischer Spirit. Kosmopolitischer Lebensstil. Außergewöhnlicher Komfort. Dezentes Design. Moderne Home–Essentials für Ihr Zuhause.
MARC O’POLO wurde 1967 in Stockholm gegründet und steht für einen entspannten, urbanen Lebensstil mit hohem Anspruch an Qualität und einer besonderen Vorliebe für natürliche Materialien. Die neue Home–Kollektion spiegelt dies ideal wider. Mit Schlaf– und Badezimmertextilien und dekorativen Accessoires wie Kissen, Decken und vielem mehr.
Designt für Ihre Quality–Time mit Freunden und Familie. MARC O’POLO HOME vereint hochwertige Materialien, feine Details und zeitlose Designs.
From a traditional terry manufacturer to a sophisticated and international lifestyle brand Made in Germany. High-quality and durable quality products around the topic of bath and bed. Tradition and quality combined with contemporary design and textile innovations. Produced since 1927 in the family business – now already in the third generation.
At möve, special attention is paid to cross-product, contemporary and innovative collections. Quality, design and functionality are equally justified alongside a wide range of colors and naturally and sustainably sourced materials. Look forward to high-quality terry towels, bath rugs, bathrobes, bed linen and shower curtains. Contemporary yet practical accessories, scented candles and soaps round out the program.
OBB – Oberbadische Bettfedernfabrik
OBB Oberbadische Bettfedernfabrik GmbH from Lörrach has been manufacturing high quality bedding – comforters, pillows and mattress pads, made in Germany – in the southern Black Forest for almost 120 years. Our laboratory, which is certified by the European Bed Feather & Bedding Industry Association, guarantees that we can continuously check our high quality standards ourselves, as far as fabrics and filling materials are concerned.
In our collection “BLACK FOREST” – exclusive luxury bedding for “sleeping really well” – we combine the highest quality with the most beautiful comfort as well as elegant and particularly sophisticated presentation. A perfect symbiosis of noble filling materials and luxurious cover fabrics as well as individual and functional extras, such as a body zone quilting, elegant corner finishing, comfort foot zone and decorative stitching.
Since 1854 our family has been watching over the quality of sleep, always setting new standards in sleeping comfort. Our generation in particular stands for responsibility for people and the environment. That is why we work continuously and intensively on new, innovative products with sustainable, healthy properties based on natural and resource-saving raw materials.
We are proud of the degree of sustainability that we have already achieved with our production in Germany and our products. And we are convinced that we will continue to take a step further in the right direction every day, true to our
Creating long-lasting values, where mature quality and a high level of responsibility for people and the environment take priority over short-term trends. We want to be and will continue to be the brand with heart.
PSSST Dream Edition
Would you like to turn your bedroom into a dream oasis? With the products of PSSST Dream Edition you can make it possible. We offer you a collection of selected products for an all-round healthy sleep. Whether it’s a blanket, pillow or the sleep system tailored to you: here you will find products according to ecological criteria in high and tested quality. Comfort, convenience and health for you, these are the goals of our services. Take a lot of time for your wishes and needs around sleeping!
Trust in the uncompromising quality of your PSSST Dream Edition specialty store in Freiburg. We stand by this with our quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.
With the PSSST Dream Edition we meet your individual requirements and offer you a selected, coordinated assortment at attractive prices – for the restful hours of your life. Pleasant dreams and healthy sleep become very easy. You would never have dreamed of that!
Since its foundation in 1996, RAST Möbeldesign has stood for the manufacture of high-quality solid wood products.
In order to meet the increasing demand of customers for individual product design and at the same time high adherence to delivery dates, the production and sales structures were designed for maximum flexibility and efficiency. Since the beginning of 2001, bed dealers and exclusive furniture stores in Austria and Germany have been supplied from the head office in Regensburg, where the design, development and sales of the products are controlled.
Today, more than 200 dealers are part of the selected customer base.
Every tree needs space and time to tell us a story. RAST Möbeldesign gives it this time and gets infinite back: wood of unmistakable beauty and robust durability.
Each piece from the hands of RAST Möbeldesign is as unique as the wood it is made of.
More about the company Sanapur
Sanapur International GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2012 in Freudenberg, North Rhine-Westphalia. Ludwig Dehottay – one of the founders and still a member of Sanapur’s management board today – and his partners have pursued the vision of developing a coherent sleep concept that differs from conventional concepts and products for the benefit of the customer from the very beginning.
In close cooperation with his partners – who already had four decades of experience in the field of sleep comfort – a sleep system was realized which, thanks to the perfect interplay of mattress, slat base and pillow, finally not only meets but exceeds the sleep needs of the population in all respects.
Special features of the Sanapur sleep system are the asymmetrical structure – corresponding to the anatomy of the human body – the height-adjustable pillow and a slat base that is precisely matched to the mattress.
Sanapur received confirmation of this concept, among other things, through the subsidy of two health insurance companies in Belgium and the equipment of the employees and top athletes of the Lotto Soudal cycling team.
Ludwig Dehottay and his team of experts focus on simplifying things – for the benefit of customers. That’s why Sanapur produces only one mattress model in three variants, two pillow models in two variants each, and one slat base in three variants. With this concept, Sanapur can perfectly cover the different requirements for healthy sleep. Even the degrees of hardness – which are confusing for customers – have no place in the Sanapur concept. Based on the maximum load, one degree of hardness fits all. Custom-made products are also no problem at Sanapur and are delivered within four weeks.
True to the motto “Sleep healthier, live better”, Sanapur – and its health-promoting products – always focus on people, their regeneration during sleep and recovery.
> Sanapur Broschüre 2020 [Flipbook]
> Sanapur Broschüre 2020 [PDF]
Schwarzwald Bio bedding -natural, durable, ecological and fairly produced!
Our Schwarzwald Bio collection stands for the values we have stood for for a very long time: natural and fairly produced raw materials and environmentally friendly production. We love nature and our region and try to preserve the nature of the beautiful Black Forest.
This collection is GOTS certified, which means it meets all criteria of the standard without exception. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is considered the world’s leading standard for processing textiles made from organically produced natural fibers. It defines environmental requirements along the entire textile production chain, as well as strict social criteria. Textiles must not contain any residues that are harmful to health, and their production should be compatible with people and the environment. GOTS defines very precise standards, for example
the controlled origin of organic natural fibers
the exclusion of harmful chemicals
binding regulations on environmental protection
regular residue analyses to ensure compliance with the criteria
compliance with social criteria, partly based on those of the International Labor Organization (ILO)
Our Black Forest organic range is a very small, but also very fine selection of products for a particularly natural sleep. Enjoy dreamlike nights in down, merino, hemp or cotton blankets and pillows!
Star Home Textil
The claim of Starhometextil: to enjoy the super soft and cuddly blankets and pillows, no animal has to die thanks to new high-tech manufacturing processes. Visually, the blankets and pillows are hardly distinguishable from real animal fur.
Woven fur blankets are the absolute must-have for real cuddle fans – and absolutely on trend
Woven fur is the perfect alternative to real fur. Because the artificial variant not only has an excellent image, but is now also very high quality. The imitations have a noble look, are lighter and odorless. They are not only a heartwarming companion on cold days, but also lend the necessary portion of glamour to any style.
With silky shimmering fur look, the cuddly blankets score with a touch of extravagance. The blanket definitely transforms any sofa and armchair into an inviting oasis of comfort. The blankets are unsurpassably soft in pile, coloring and feel and can hardly be distinguished from natural fur. Microfine, densely set, long-haired fibers make it silky soft and smooth. No comparison to less noble artificial fur, which often crackles unpleasantly, looks unnatural or even shaggy. And even up close, it looks confusingly similar to real fur. Elaborately individually fiber-dyed (instead of printed over the entire surface), the soft shading is created. Long and very fine fibers make this woven fur extremely soft, voluminous and delicate.
The millimeter-fine 10-12-fold graduated play of lengths is created in an extremely elaborate way. Exactly like their natural counterparts, the fibers are up to 35 mm long and graduated millimeter by millimeter up to 12-fold in different heights. The warming undercoat thus has a very fine density in depth. This gives the pile its silky, dense richness.
A masterpiece of textile finesse is the wealth of finely nuanced shades. Depending on the incidence of light and the position, the fibers spark an ever new play of colors. Softly draped in folds, the woven fur seems to constantly merge its color tones anew. The colors shimmer in ever new constellations: a fascinating play of lively charm. A skin-flatterer of the first order – on the couch, in the armchair, as a bedspread. The plaid sets a noble accent in every ambience.
We love what we do. We live this passion every day.
TEMPUR® mattresses and pillows have stood for pressure-relieving sleeping comfort for over 20 years. From the very first mattress collection, the material, which was originally developed by NASA to relieve pressure for astronauts, has proven its worth in the bedroom, and countless people around the globe appreciate the special comfort properties of the unique TEMPUR® material: It adapts individually to the body and keeps the spine constantly in its anatomically correct shape.
TEMPUR® is an open-cell, viscoelastic, pressure-relieving and thermoactive material that adapts precisely to your body shape. Billions of open cells gently hug the contours of your body, giving you optimal support where it’s needed.
Feel the pressure-relieving, weightless sensation from night to morning and enjoy outstanding comfort and individual support.
There are now four TEMPUR® mattress lines (Cloud, Sensation, Hybrid and Original) in three firmnesses from soft, medium to firm. To find out which TEMPUR® mattress suits you best, try the different models. Find a retailer near you on our website.
Ergonomically and classically shaped sleeping pillows, rigid and motor-adjustable system frames as well as exceptionally designed beds complete the sleeping and living comfort.
All TEMPUR® sleeping pillows are specially designed for the very different sleeping positions and needs of each individual sleeper. Whether the back, side or even stomach position is preferred, TEMPUR® offers the right pillow for every sleep type.
The new CoolTouch™ technology keeps the cover fresh and helps to dissipate heat – for a restful, well-tempered sleep. In mattresses, this technology has proven so successful in recent years that now sleeping pillows have also been equipped with these features.
Whether as a Boxspring bed or as a Relax bed with TEMPUR® system frame – configure your favorite bed from a variety of components. Choose headboards, colors, surfaces as well as feet according to your taste and complement it with the perfectly matching TEMPUR® mattresses.
Theraline – love, care, comfort
For over a quarter of a century, Theraline has been developing health-promoting, pollutant-free quality products for pregnancy & breastfeeding, sleep, relaxation and therapy.
What started in a garage in 1993 soon gained momentum and became a real success story: today, Theraline is the European market leader for nursing and pregnancy pillows.
Outstanding breastfeeding pillow variety, breath-permeable baby pillows or pillows for healthy sleep: The Theraline product world is distinctive and attractive – not only during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Theraline gives everything for the health and safety of its customers. Out of care for babies, the pillow fillings were therefore free of harmful substances and odorless from the very beginning.
Nursing pillows from the Theraline collection have been awarded a “Very Good” rating from Ökotest magazine several times in the past and are certified with the Toxproof label from TÜV Rheinland.”
The Veldeman Group is a wholly owned family business, founded in 1954 and now operating throughout Europe. The core business focuses on the development and production of high-quality sleep systems for the middle and higher market segments.
In order to optimally meet the wishes and needs of these market segments, the group works with a multi-brand strategy, with a very different focus on each brand. PSSST Bettenhaus Freiburg carries a selection of these brands.
Wülfing produces home textiles of the highest quality “Made in Germany” as a fully integrated manufacturer at 3 locations on state-of-the-art production lines. Cotton weaving mill in Borken and jacquard weaving mill in Steinfurt/Borghorst as well as a ready-made clothing plant in Detrichov in the Czech Republic are part of the company today. The production of jersey fitted sheets and structured blankets takes place in the partner plant in Romania.
Wilh. Wülfing GmbH & Co. KG with its Dormisette brand is an internationally active textile company with over 130 years of experience in the market. By producing high-quality home textiles, the family-owned company from Borken has succeeded in establishing itself as a well-known brand manufacturer both at home and abroad. Since the company was founded in 1885, we have consistently pursued one goal above all others – to develop top products in terms of quality and design that offer our customers a high level of living comfort and optimum functionality.
Our product portfolio includes high-quality home textiles: bed linen, mattress protectors, fitted sheets and bed sheets, table linen, mattress protector program incl. incontinence articles, health and support pillows, baby program, contract textiles and African damask. We serve all trade segments internationally.
Wülfing products are established as well-known brands in many countries, including the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Russia.